13 Oct
Why Volunteer With ARC?
Volunteers help us to reach and support those affected by cancer. Volunteering is interesting and varied, full of activity, chat, empathy and laughter. We rely hugely on volunteers to provide many of ARC’s services such as helping to manage the drop-in centres and providing pro-bono therapies and services.
If you would like to volunteer with fundraising at our events we are always looking for people with expertise in; marketing, PR, communications, graphic design and social media content. We would be delighted to hear from you. Please email fundraising@arccancersupport.ie
Why Volunteer With ARC?
Volunteers are the backbone of ARC Cancer Support Centres. As an ARC volunteer, you will make an important difference in the lives of those affected by cancer. We simply could not provide the level of services that we do without our wonderful committed volunteers.
Why Do We Use Volunteers?
Without our volunteers, we could only offer a fraction of the services that we’re able to. Funds raised go towards employing the core team of therapists and staff as well as to meet the costs associated with running ARC’s centres. In addition, administrative, supervision and training supports are provided to our volunteer network to support them in delivering professional, high-quality services to clients.